
For many years the Probate Registries have provided a settling service whereby practitioners could submit documents for correction and approval prior to having them sworn and lodged in application for a grant. Many firms sent in all documents for settling prior to submission. This service is no longer available in straightforward cases and where settling is requested, a reason for the particular difficulty now has to be given in every case. Considerable delays may be experienced before documents are dealt with and returned.       

We provide a service that is based on accuracy, economy and speed. A number of firms throughout the country send all their oaths for grants to us for checking prior to submission.

Our costs and therefore our charges are kept to a minimum by conducting the bulk of our business by e-mail. It is our target that documents requiring settling and received in Microsoft Word compatible formats will be dealt with and returned within 24 hours. 

Should practitioners prefer to use the post, the same standard of service applies but such cases will inevitably take longer than those processed online.

The basic fee for our online service is £15 with further charges for detailed
correspondence but please note that the majority of cases are dealt with under
the basic fee. Where requests for settlings are received by post the basic fee will
be £20.

In addition to our settling service we can assist in the preparation of documents
for which our basic fee is £45 per straightforward document. For fees in complex
matters, please refer to our CHARGES page.

Our combined experience in the Registries has provided us with a thorough
knowledge of procedures. Any work we undertake for you is prepared so that
it is rapidly accepted and progressed.

To discuss your firm’s requirements please get in touch with us via the details on our CONTACT